Back in the fall, Dearly Beloved and I went to Georgia to keep little Elmo while our daughter and her two older sons (7 and 10)  spent the day on a movie set,  The Lost Valentine, starring Daughter & Sons and, oh yes, Betty White and Jennifer Love Hewitt.

SUNDAY NIGHT, Folks!   It is the Hallmark Hall of Fame movie on CBS and unless the damnsquirrels chew the cable wires, DB and I will be glued to the television.

They were “extras,” so I don’t know much about the scenes they’re in… don’t know for sure that they are even in the final version, but if the cuteness factor weighed in the decisions, they’ll be there.

While our daughter says that once was enough for her,  the boys want more, more, MORE!  Food was the attraction.  Apparently, local caterers go all out for those plum assignments.  There were, I understand, numerous food stations with elegant seafood dishes, roast beef, even chicken pot pie.  In addition, there were snacks galore… all kinds of chips, desserts, ice cream, soft drinks.  It was paradise for little boys whose junk food intake is usually monitored.

They aren’t in any scenes together and details are vague.  Daughter doesn’t know whether she’s married or not, but she did have a scene walking with a man.  She had her hair covered with hats or scarves in her scenes because highlighted hair wasn’t 1940’s.  The grandsons aren’t brothers in the film.

Their clothes– white t-shirts in one scene,  button-down collared shirts in another, look familiar.  I have pictures of their granddad in similar clothes.   Daughter had three costume changes because,  she said, being skinny and small breasted was an advantage for once.  (You can thank me later, Daughter– for the small breasted genes.  The skinny?  Must be from your daddy’s side.) She fit easily into the clothes in the wardrobe department.

Look for a very blond head and blue jeans on one grandson and brown pants and light brownish/blond hair on the other.   Wait!  You can go to daughter’s blog and see a collage which may help.  I’d include it here if I knew how.

My ineptness in blogging matters brings me to apology time.  Last night I was looking for a specific post I’d written and wandered into some of my early ones, back when no one, including my family and friends, even knew I had a blog.  I looked at them, cringed, and idly made corrections.  They weren’t supposed to go out, but the RSS Feed sent them out anyway.  OH, THE HORROR AND EMBARRASSMENT!!!  If you have a string of two-year-old posts from me, I’m so sorry!

11 thoughts on “LOOK FOR MY PEEPS!

  1. I will watch. Love Hallmark! Cole will groan but will groan and watch. Your daughters blog is wonderful! Uhm, it seems like she more than, “fools around with that cannon camera! ” The humility of the south.

  2. Went to your daughters blog to get more clues. I all ready had that show ready to record since I am a huge Betty White fan.
    Good luck to the “extras”. My only venture as an extra never saw the light of day but the process was fun.
    At least they got fed. All I got was an empty popcorn box and and empty Pepsi container. That took real acting to pretend eat but for naught.

  3. lulu

    This is so exciting!:) I will be shocked SHOCKED if those good looking peeps of yours wind up on the editing floor. My popcorn is on the counter waiting to be popped! Didn’t get any earlier blog posts – but sure would love to read the ‘early years’ of mzmerrilymarylee!:):)

  4. How exciting!!….I have the channel on wiating for it to come on….My daughter is a movie extra in NYC…she doesn’t get to do it much but has fun when she does….She still is teasing me about the Tom Selleck movie that was filmed her last year and I didn’t have a clue…she asked how he could have been so close (the next little town over) and I didn’t sense his presence…Where was this movie filmed…?
    and I love love love Betty White….she is my mother’s twin…it’s scary when I see her, it’s just like looking at my mother….

  5. Well now, isn’t this just perfect? I have this on the DVR waiting to be watched on this raining afternoon. I went to your daughter’s blog and pulled up the collage, I’ll be looking out for her and the kids. How fun!

    Now, if you ever see “How To Stuff a Wild Bikini” circa 1965, look for me in the crowd of beachgoers. Yep, that was my big screen debut in the days when I could actually wear a bikini, lol.

  6. I watched and I did catch the purple dress as she walked down the street, I do believe that was her, but the box of tissues and tears made it hard to see all the details. Darn those Hallmark movies, they get me every time!

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