Something’s Fishy About These Pictures

The summer heat didn’t keep BroJoe out of the swamps and coastal waters, where he continued to take his amazing nature photos.

When he e-mailed the first two to me, he mentioned that he was worried about Mama Osprey.  She was wearing herself to a frazzle in her efforts to keep her screeching offspring fed to their satisfaction.

Osprey mom with takeout order.

She may not have had a moment for personal hygiene, but take a look at her perfectly coiffed “babies.”  They look suspiciously large to be still hanging around the nursery.

Time to leave the nest, kiddos!

The osprey pictures were taken weeks before Irene blew through the area.  The nest was in a large, dead tree.

This blue heron’s skinny legs were so interesting that I didn’t notice the fresh catch in its mouth at first.  I hope they don’t look appetizing to the alligators in the area.  The same goes for my brother’s legs, too!

My Blue Heron.

Neither Lee nor Katia are close enough to cause worry, but the winds and waves were up at the beach here today and away from the shore, the air felt extra humid.  We had tornado watches all day.

Here’s today’s sunrise on the Outer Banks.

 Red sky at night, sailor’s delight.  Red sky at morning, sailor take warning. (Old Mariners’ rhyme.)

15 thoughts on “Something’s Fishy About These Pictures

    1. I love his sunrise pictures, too–he sends them almost every day. That could be your Shore Sunrise palette. 🙂 Do put a photo on your blog!

      It was definitely an accurate weather prediction. We had storms all last night. The dog slept in the closet.

      1. Up in northern NJ, we had more rain. I’m growing webs between my toes. I’d gladly donate some of it to Oklahoma,

  1. Have you heard of “Anxiety Wraps” for dogs to help them with thunder storms. If Mighty were afraid, I would try one.
    Hope the hurricane didn’t dislodge that nest and that all were on there own by then.
    That sunrise is awesome and I do believe that rhyme.

  2. These photos are so very wonderful!! Thank you for sharing. I love ospreys. When we lived on the ocean in Nova Scotia, they were one of my favourite birds to watch. These photos are just spectacular.

  3. Oops–I see it’s a sunrise photo and so identified.
    Shows you how much I gravitate toward SUNSET. I assumed the lovely fiery colors indicated end of day.

  4. I agree it is time for a little tough love from Mama Osprey.

    Thank you! Now I can stop having bad dreams about BroJoe leg being chomped by a gator and worry about the Heron…Ya know between the squirrels, birds, bunnies, snakes and gators…I think your blog needs to carry a violence warning!

    The Sunset is beyond the beyond!

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