White Flag of Surrender

Let’s get right down to it.  What ARE these things?

I don’t mean the iPhone.

I should get rid of them, but I’d like to know exactly what I’d be tossing.  The label says “Scarfette” and they’re made of a sandpapery kind of polyester with instructions to Machine wash,  Tumble dry, so we’re not talking about something retrieved from a Victorian wedding chest.

They belonged to a relative who was in her 80’s when she died some years ago and where they came from, specifically, was her lingerie drawer, among her unmentionables.

Each one is two thicknesses, seamed all the way around with no openings except for the hem on the narrow end, which has open sides, like a rod pocket.  I don’t know whether they’re a set or two singles.

No, she wasn’t a nun, but they do look rather vestal.  If they’re something for the head, I’m baffled as to how they’d be worn.   I googled Scarfette and what I found were pretty knitted shawls and neckwear.  Nothing like this.  One website advertised scarfettes as the patriotic way to wear a scarf.  Chew on that, will ya?Unless they could be threaded down one’s backbone via the hem pocket, I don’t see how they could be worn as a scarf or a collar.

Except, perhaps, for the gown in the last scene here:


21 thoughts on “White Flag of Surrender

  1. Did this lady have cancer and hair loss from chemo? I saw some turban type headscarfs on the web that were called “scarfettes” for cancer patients. Maybe the points tuck into the pocket of the skinny part that might wrap around the head? Other than that, I got nuthin.’

  2. lulu

    Obviously they are defective taddywhacker wrappers, why your dear auntie kept them…. well, perhaps, perchance to dream???:):):)

  3. Those are some mighty big bloomers! If they were in her “unmentionables” drawer, I’d say that they were undies devised to flummox the most ardent of suitors. A fabric chastity belt, of sorts!

  4. TTPT – Nope, no cancer. Since there is no opening, they’d have to be sewn together to be a headscarf. Or an apron.
    Ask your momma. 🙂

    Michele – I don’t know about brilliant insight as to polyester flags, but you certainly have brilliance with a needle. I am AWED by the needlework you display on your blog!!

    Donna – I’ll certainly get back to you if anyone comes up with an answer. Sounds like it’ll be okay to call at any hour. 🙂

    Birdie – not late night, but QVC is a definite possibility.

    Lulu – had to e-mail you to find out what a taddywhacker was. We determined it was tallywhacker. A wrapper? I don’t think so

    Kim – If no one knows what it is, it means you probably don’t need to knit one. Rest easy.

    Sue – GO, ELLEN! We’re counting on you! Since whatever it is doesn’t look like it was every used, tell her to think “cheap and useless.” But it IS something!

    Boomer – YIKES! Don’t think I can go there. (Or bring her back here!)

    Patti – DANG! Nah, you’re too young, but I was hoping you saw one go by on the toll road.

  5. I am losing sleep over this. Perhaps you should bring them onto the Antique Road Show. You may get enough money to hire an exterminator for the dang squirrels!

  6. They remind me of some pink things my mother used to wrap around her hairdo at night. The wide part stands up from the head like a crown; the narrow part wraps around and clings to the sandpapery fabric when it’s tucked in a little–a pre-velcro type closure. Mom wore them back when women would get their hair done at the beauty parlor once a week. Maybe these are the precursors to those fetching nightcaps.

    Around the same time, I was sleeping in pink plastic hair rollers every night, trying to find the one spot that wasn’t agonizingly painful to sleep on. You used those long pink plastic skewer thingies to keep them in place. All the girls in high school had dents in their heads where the skewers braced against the scalp.

    The things we will do to ourselves to be fashionable!

  7. Ok, so, being a research fanatic, I HAD to know what this was, and how to tie it up. This is all I found:


    Other than a million patterns for crocheting or knitting these, I think they were worn with the larger portion hanging down in the front, dickie style, with the skinny portion wrapped around the neck, to tie it off, maybe? To keep the wind from whipping down the front of your jacket, should you have a v-neck coat…. ? *shrug* Best I could do, sorry!

  8. I do think they are a way to preserve a hairdo..sort of wrap up the head in one to sleep at night and all the curls would be in place when you took it off in the morning.

  9. I think Nance has got it. God, those big pink rollers. Better than what our curly-haired sisters had to use to straighten–soup cans. Yeah, that’ll be a restful sleep. I did the rollers for a while with a big hairdryer bonnet with hose. I distinctly remember not being able to hear “Get Smart” while it was on. Fortunately we all went flower-child after that and saved a bucket of money on hair products. And, uh, laundry detergent.

  10. steffiw

    a type of “temporary”collar maybe?i read somewhere that they were to “bridge the gap”between your neck and your neckline of your clothes thus preserving your modesty-tyeing the two long narrow bits together at the back of your neck and the two “flaps”then formed a collar effect thus miminising the expanse of chest(i should be so lucky!)lol

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