Past Time for a Precautionary

For the past three days I have been wearing a weary path from the den sofa to the bathroom to the bedroom.  Yesterday, Dearly Beloved took over the other sofa.

Thank goodness for two sofas and two bathrooms.

Bathing, dressing, even eating have been scratched from any To Do list during this time.  Didn’t want to hold a book and couldn’t concentrate enough to knit.   I’ve done little except watch the last episode of Monk (Oh, Adrian, I’ll miss you so!) and read a little online,  the only way I could find any real news.  My throat was too sore to have Tiger Woods and the White House dinner crashers crammed down it any longer.

This morning I read some of the international news articles about the  Copenhagen Climate Conference. The perspectives of some of the 192 participating countries are understandably different even without politics rearing its ever-present head.  Throwing a monkey wrench into the discussions is the controversy over newly discovered e-mails that some scientists attempted to skew some of the findings.

Some religious groups claim to take no position so as not to appear to worship nature, while others say nature is where they find God. How about issues like economics and birth control…?   To what degree have they influenced opinions?

Kermit was right;  it’s not easy being green.

The President’s change of arrival date at the conference has brought about renewed optimism for meaningful change in some circles, while others dismissed  it as a photo op.  Even if the latter is true, it would be the first such photo op of a sitting US President since 1992.   Can’t hurt, could help.

In our family by-laws, we include the Precautionary Rule.  Whenever we are going anywhere…even if we don’t have to…we go to the bathroom:  the Precautionary Pit Stop.  If one of us has a cold, the other starts Vitamin C.  Precautionary.  It seems to me that even the folks who don’t believe in global warming should at least take a look at the data:  an Environmental Precautionary, so to speak.   And yes, the data must be truthful to have any meaningful influence.

City officials in Copenhagen, where prostitution is legal, put out cards in hotels advising, “Be sustainable.  Don’t buy sex.”  In protest, Danish sex workers announced they will offer free sex.

Hmmm.  Factor in unintended consequences.

My view is simplistic:  trashing something causes damage, whether it’s land, water, or air.  (I’m speaking of the environment, not prostitution.)   As Aunt Bee Taylor put it, “Opie, you haven’t finished your milk.  We can’t put it back in the cow, you know.”

Now, in an attempt to leave no one unoffended (I’ll blame it all on my delirious state) I offer, to Dearly Beloved’s horror,  this commercial message from Greenpeace.

Oh Beautiful for smoggy skies, insecticided grain,
For strip-mined mountain’s majesty above the asphalt plain.
America, America, man sheds his waste on thee,
And hides the pines with billboard signs, from sea to oily sea.
~George Carlin

10 thoughts on “Past Time for a Precautionary

  1. Jincey08

    Holy Sunshine! Merrily, you’ve made me guffaw again! Wish I could find one of those curly bulbs that works well. Until then, guess my DB will have to keep shining his torch.

  2. cw

    LOLOLOL….. omg, lololol….love it love it love it….. george carlin and utube in one swipe, so to speak:)…. I do believe you should send this on to Copenhagen!!!;):) They could sure use the ‘precautionary rule’!!
    LOLOLOL…. lady, another zinger – toooooooooo good!!:):)

  3. Oh, my gosh! So sorry you’ve been sick! Even with your fevered brain you still write great posts.

    I think the global warming deniers want to wait until Arizona is waterfront property before they would even begin to admit that we need to do something—and then it’s too late.

    Get Well Soon!

  4. Birdie

    Can’t watch the YouTube video enough times not to laugh!! Had never seen those words to America the Beautiful. Whatever you are drinking these days is truth serum, you are telling it like it is!!
    Hope lots of people find your post and read it and understand it.

  5. So sorry you are feeling so crummy and hope you are much better soon. You may be tied to the toilet but your fevered brain is working quite well.
    You are right, it is not easy being “green”. I actually have some ostriches in my family that can get up in my face about it,
    Love George’s version.

  6. Watched this five times now and am still crying with laughter every time I see it. At the risk of boring you, I absolutely need to post this on my blog tonight (with a link to yours, of course).

  7. Get well soon. You are one sick lady. (Pun sorely intended… LOL) OMG. I wasn’t expecting something like that when I clicked PLAY. ;-0

    p.s. Seriously. Sorry you are feeling miserable. Now you know how the earth feels! (Ok ok. Seriously. Get well soon)

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