Roux the Day? No Way!

This morning I won a cookbook on Velva’s Tomatoes on the Vine blog giveaway.  It made my day!  Thanks, Velva! Dearly Beloved and I will be slurping soups from my New Orleans Gumbos and Soups cookbook soon.

I doubt that my version will be up to Velva’s standards.  She mentioned standing over a 12-quart stockpot for over an hour to make a golden roux.    YIKES!  I don’t suppose that comes in a jar, does it?  I saw a recipe for a Maiden’s Prayer cocktail a little farther down her blog.  That could be the perfect accompaniment for a tour of duty over a stockpot.

In case anyone doubts that I will be up for roux-making,  I offer a slightly tarnished Exhibit A.

For those who do not recognize this revered, solid gold-tone medal,  let me show you the flip side.  

Yes, my friends, that is the Betty Crocker Homemaker of Tomorrow Award which I won in high school.  If you don’t think it was embarrassing to be a shy, skinny teenager in glasses standing on stage in assembly and being recognized as someone who “will make a good wife,” guess again.

Nevertheless, I ask you, could  Betty Crocker make a roux?

Of course she could. . . and probably while wearing pearls, a frilly apron, and pumps.   Alas, my dress code is somewhat more casual.

I’m not current on proper attire, but judging by what I see, I thought that anything goes these days.  That was before I was enlightened by this very specific Dress Code sign I saw yesterday.

What (she asked, ruefully)  ever happened to No Shoes, No Shirt, No Service?