Travelin’– Or, As They May Say In Michigan, ‘Raveling.

Whenever we go on a trip, I tell myself that I’m not going to take any photos of weird things along the way, then I see situations that tickle me and I change my mind, but by the time I pull out my phone and aim the camera I end up with a series of blurred photos.

Here are my blurs and blobs, with explanations:

IMG_0259  The license plate on this car says “UDontNoMe”

This one says, “YOUKNOWIT.”  IMG_0262

I know that in the South, we have a tendency to drop our G’s at the end of words.  This truck is from Michigan.


Notice anything missing?

And last but not least, since this story made the front page of the Wall Street Journal last week, I thought I’d include a photo of the peachoid along I-85 in South Carolina.


Although it looks like it’s wearing a winter bonnet, the Gaffney, SC water tower has actually been under repair for some time.  The Journal article pointed out the town had “hoped to get cracking last fall,” but it wasn’t that easy to find an artist who can mix the 12 shades  and paint in the air like that.  It isn’t just a simple one-color job and the end is not in sight.

Depending how you look at it.


9 thoughts on “Travelin’– Or, As They May Say In Michigan, ‘Raveling.

  1. That peach looks like the rear end of a guy I saw sitting on a bench at the park the other day. I like to think if my butt crack were exposed, I’d at least feel it and do something about it.

    I like the “Fatz” sign. Nice touch. 🙂

    1. A hemorrhoid like that would really smart! I read that a real peach is lighter in the…um…crack, but the original artist thought that would look dull, so he made it darker in there.

  2. ncmountainwoman

    I love to read license plates as well. Sometimes I have to struggle to make out the meaning. Great shot of the peachoid. I had seen a news report about the shroud.

      1. ncmountainwoman

        I think peach brandy might be more appropriate. I’m sure there will be lots of folks there for the unveiling.

  3. Arkansas Patti

    Someday I will probably rear end some guy trying to decipher his vanity plate. You found some good ones. Hadn’t heard about the peachoid. Would love to see the finished product. Wonder what they are drinking since water is out. From the looks of things, alcohol??

  4. I nearly had an accident this morning trying to read a sign on the back of the car….the largest letters were something about killing a child. You can imagine why I was trying to read the small print. (No, never got near enough.) Not a clue and everyone else was doing the same thing at a light.
    Had to pin the peach water tower on my Road Trip board!

    (Walnut Jam scone recipe makes about 13 to 15 3 inch scones. I halved the recipe.)

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